Caranya :
Setelah masuk ke registry editor, kemudian carilah key :
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\DesktopHighlight the ‘WaitToKillAppTimeout’ value.
Set it to ‘1000′ (the default should be 20000).
Now highlight the ‘HungAppTimeout’ value
rubah menjadi nilainya ‘1000′ .
Start>Run Regedit>ok
Cari alamat registry :
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop’
Highlight the ‘WaitToKillAppTimeout’ value.
Set it to ‘1000′ (the default should be 20000).
Now highlight the ‘HungAppTimeout’ value.
Rubah nilainya menjadi ‘1000′
Cari alamat registry :
Highlight the value ‘WaitToKillServiceTimeout’
Change this value to ‘1000.’
Exit registry editor and reboot computer to get the result.